Training and corporate culture may also involve knowledge of exciting stories featuring successful players in the fields of science, arts and sports. Exposing their team to the inspirational contents of those who, like Alessia, have performed extraordinary actions have a revolutionary power. It is a concrete opportunity to improve the productivity and sense of belonging of employees, their loyalty to the company. Corporate culture cannot be communicated top-down, rather it is imperceptibly absorbed in the daily work and in a common share of values. Alessia personally selects the corporate events she is invited to participate in with her motivational speeches. She must first believe in the company mission before she can humbly tell her story to its Team.

Companies that choose Alessia for their team building events are companies that focus on the importance of hard work, constancy in training, planning and gratitude for the achieved results .

The power of emotions

The fact that Alessia is a young woman who has achieved such important goals offers a further added value to her motivational speeches. Based on her incredible competitive-sport experience, Alessia touches the deepest emotional chords of the audience, inspiring the desire to emulate her mental attitude, to reach the desired results.

Her speeches may be differentiated according to the target audience: from TED Conference-style speech, to flanking Alessia with a moderator to talk to, be it a journalist or a member of the company like the CEO or the Human Resources Manager.

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